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Thursday 19 September 2013

All that Love

I'd heard about the video before I watched it, and it was with a strange mixture of apprehension and curiosity that I pressed 'Play' for Miley Cyrus' new video 'Wrecking Ball' on YouTube. As Miley's pale face, red mouth and streaming eyes filled the screen, I couldn't help but feel a strange sadness that had nothing to do with any petty issues of my own personal life (and it shouldn't; my exams have just ended!). As the video progressed, and the words I'd never heard before washed over me, I realized what I was feeling sad about; it's love which can push us to the greatest heights of euphoria, and it's love which manages to pull us to the darkest depths of despair!

Love is a masochistic feeling, and every time it makes you feel good, it's actually, slowly and skilfully killing you, taking away bits and pieces that make up your very being, and before you know it, you've given everything up and you are left feeling naked, and you realize that everything that defines you, is at the mercy of someone else. Love, they say, is painful.

What's more, we tend to be blind when we're in love, meaning, when we're in love, we remain woefully ignorant of those people who might Actually care for us, and we continue pursuing someone who might just not give two hoots about us!

Even when we Do come to know about a person nursing tender feelings for us, we feel nothing but a hardhearted sympathy for them, and shrug our shoulders and say, 'Can't help, I don't like him/her!'

Strange, isn't it?

But like Maria Elena said in Vicky Christina Barcelona, 'unfulfilled love is the most romantic.'

Weird is the human brain, cruel is the human heart.

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