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Saturday 18 April 2015

To Every Flawed and Beautiful Soul

About to complete 20 years of my life on this Earth, I've tried to be a good person,

Tried to be less of a hypocrite, tried to be fair, tried to stick to the ultimate mission.

I have met people, I have seen places, and I have been awed at their beauty,

And I've stood in front of the mirror and cursed at the Creator for making me ugly.

I have thought sinful thoughts, have said what was not on my mind,

But I've tried to rise above it all, I've tried to be kind.

I've heard nasty things, about me, her and him,

I've blurted out words all of a sudden, have acted on a whim.

I've  wanted things I could never have, have craved some people's company,

And later I'd realized that I just had to let myself be, and that's how I was free.

I've made great friends, friends who taught me more than books ever could,

Friends who showed me what is wrong maybe right,  friends who if they could, certainly would.

I've listened to music, resonated with the lyrics, sang at the top of my voice,

Have had torturous struggles in my mind, had forgotten that I still had a choice.

But in this beautiful struggle that life is, there are still many, many roads to travel,

So many sights to see, so many souls to meet, so many stories to unravel.

Today might not have been a good day, but then again, tomorrow might,

I've got to remember that the brightest day comes after the darkest night.

And thus I shall travel, travel with a light heart, for what may come will certainly go,

There's plenty of love to go around, the world ain't  filled with woe.

And to you, you my fellow traveller, the accidental reader of this rambling, I'd just like to say,

Be brave enough to be happy, you're never alone, and this too shall pass away.

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